Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Posts on a hold

Posts on a hold.
For a while.

If you don't say anything, do people hear your silence?


Tamara said...

they do! are you putting future posts on hold or are you referring to the ones on hold currently?

Prashanth Anandamurthy said...

Ah! The ones on hold currently.
Should be out soon - in a few weeks time.
The world's oldest excuse (outside of the dog eating the document) - am swamped with work!

Christina said...

Hey... Back to my blog after a long time, and visited your blog too... And while this might sound ironic coming from someone who's almost stopped blogging, keep posting!!! It makes for great reading, when one does stop by :)

Christina said...

BTW... Nice profile pic (ie the one at the top right hand corner of your page)... Very Shakespeare :)

Prashanth Anandamurthy said...

Hey welcome back -
Glad to see you are back - the snap is from MidSummers - where a photo crew was handing out costumes and snaps - at a price of course!

btw - ive been thinking - should I be responding on my blog, your blog or by email :)
perhaps more on email!