Saturday, 5 April 2008

Back in Finland - finally! 2008

Back in Finland- finally!


For those of you who know – this has been a much delayed return.

Finally, I landed here, through all the trials and tribulations of IBM’s Short Term Foreign Policy.

After a relatively shorter flight direct from India to Finland – compared to the longer one via Germany, I got out of the airport at Vaanta.


Since my hotel apartment would let me check in only later, I decided to hole up at a friends apartment.

…I landed with bag and baggage at Kaalevankatu – a small street downtown in Helsinki.

While I was waiting for Sidharth to land back from his visit to Turku – a historical town near Helsinki, I looked at the apartment I was waiting in – and wondered – where did all the nice apartments I looked at go – this was not what I saw the last time I was here. The apartment was small, strangely built – a huge hall with a bed at one side, a telly at the other and the kitchen and loo to one side (!)

However, I let that be and shortly that evening landed up at the familiar Accome Senate – the Apartment Hotel I stayed at last time.

I ran into this Indian gentleman at the door – who was for the first time in his life, had come to foreign land …a recent fracture had left him a little cumbered in his moments, so I helped him get into his room, settle in and guided him around. You can imagine how it felt – just like I did the last time round – and I was full of empathy for his situation.

I also met up with Sapna, a colleague from India who was staying at that Hotel for a week then.

She had already made some friends and so we stepped out for dinner that evening with her, Aditya (yes – we are quite a few Indians in Helsinki), a Chinese lady who worked for TCS and a German gentleman who worked for IBM.

We ate at a Fish – Market, down by the harbour.

While the rest of my company ate a most sumpuous sea-food meal, I spent the better hald of 15 min explaining to the lady taking our order, that I wanted something purely vegetarian - and that Fish was not vegetarian fare.

Welcome to Finland!


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