Monday, 24 December 2007

Santa Land!

Finland and the Land of Santa Well - this is my first post - and its all in honour of my Finnish experience. Hmmm-Finland - Its Beautiful. Its Cold. And you get to make you own Dinners. You know what they say - Travel changes you - and its not a new saying : ) But when it happens to You - you can see how it alters Your life! My first month - and I have managed to cook rice, dal and some vegetables – - and I have discovered many things about myself ~ I have a cleaning fetish a la Monica Chandler ~ I miss my family (I never did in India) ~ I can be quite a pain for those in close proximity ...well thats enough insight for the first month. Food aside, the travel gets to open your eyes to a bit of 'Culture' as the Brits would say. Did you know that Finland is the official home of Santa? They have a month's celebration in Helsinki. On Nov 25th, the city officially inaugurated the Chritsmas Season with Santa, little elves, real reindeer and lots of singing. Sure - it rained that day - but it didnt stop the festivities. The celebration continues through the month- The streets are all lit up, the shop windows vying with each other for your attention - girls gaily laughing, boys screaming with gusto and the wind chilling your bones! As I live out my year's assignment here, I intend putting down what I see, hear, think, feel, think about the Finnish Culture, people, Prashanth, life and love. So be seeing you... And as they say in Finland - Moi !


extremeways said...

Post some pics dude!

Random Musings said...

Way to go dude. Writing lets the boohoo's out (if you know what i mean) and go on be bitchy about anyone you want. Its fun. Looking forward to reading more from you.


prabirsjbr said...

So Mr. PraSanta Claus:

Do write about your secret assignment there.


Mindblogs said...

Well... That's a first peek into your world... Keep those posts coming.


Shilpa Jacobie said...

Seems you have tons more discovering to do! Enjoy :)

Unknown said...

Nice snapshot of your wonderful experience in the land of Santa...keep posting the updates

Tamara said...

hey! aren't you ever going to post again?

Sidharth said...

very nice.......but where r u in the picture....i only see your clothes

Sidharth said...

very nice.......but where r u in the picture....i only see your clothes